Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Chichi Suárez Bridge fully finished and looking great!

MERIDA, YUCATAN – Have you passed along the east side of the periferico recently? The new bridge at the Chichi Suárez intersection opened to traffic a few weeks ago; however is now fully open, with the glorieta under the bridge also in use, and beautifully landscaped. It’s a great example of the high quality construction that exists in Mexico, and proof of federal funds being put to good use. The stop light that used to be at this intersection was a major source of annoyance to drivers; the new bridge has made access to Chichi Suárez considerably easier, and avoids the need for drivers on the periferico to even reduce speed, let alone stop at a red light while passing through.

Thanks to AZ Publicidad ( for the photos.

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